Pagecall: the easy way to set up your educational service

Let Pagecall do the work.
Don't start your business by getting caught in an endless cycle of trial and error. Save yourself the headache and let Pagecall be your technical partner on your journey to setting up an educational service.
The Pagecall team founded the company in 2015 to provide an online education service. In fact, we began as a video tutoring service and operated the online education venture for over two years.
Eventually, we learned that we are pretty good at crafting an online whiteboard for education and decided to focus our efforts on becoming a solution company for other education enterprises. Our background and experience give us a deep understanding of educational services - their priorities and challenges.
1) We become your reliable online classroom engineering team.
We handle media infrastructure, class recording databases, and cloud management for teaching materials. We always stay prepared for OS updates and browser updates.
Moreover, the classroom comes with dozens of education-essential features already implemented. We even offer customization services to implement new features and change designs.
2) Our interactive whiteboard is incredibly convenient.
It works smoothly even when teachers and students draw thousands of strokes interactively on tablets simultaneously. We ensure our service supports a wide range of hardware.
3) You can manage various data related to classes.
We automatically record and manage all classes simultaneously, provided consent in the terms. You can instantly check dozens of types of data generated during the class. This makes it very convenient to implement systems such as billing and attendance.
4) Managing class materials is convenient.
The Pagecall Content Library allows you to manage all your materials in the cloud and closely monitor the usage history of users. Classrooms that allow easy use of both materials and audio are also available.
Pagecall is the fastest way for your service to grow rapidly. Ready to find out more? Contact the Pagecall team.